Sofia's Birthday Treat

Monday, 29 April 2019 1 comment
Today Sofia's parents brought in a special treat for Sofia's birthday. Everyone got a special biscuit in the shape of the number 7 and they had Sofia's name on them. These were supper yummy! Thank you from everyone in Room 18! Have a great birthday Sofia.

Left and Right - Maths

We have been learning which way is left and which way is right. Our hands are very helpful with this.

Miss Dore drew a picture using 2D shapes but didn't show us. She called out the instructions and we had to listen carefully and follow them. An example of what she said was "Draw a blue square in the top left corner". The first picture is of Miss Dore's drawing and the other ones are some of ours. We did a pretty good job!

You can help your child at home by checking they know which was is left and which way is right. You could ask them questions to test them, for example touch your right ear, touch your left foot etc.

Parent Help

Thursday, 18 April 2019 No comments
Discovery Time:
Discovery Time begins for Rooms 16, 17 and 18 in Term 2. If any parents would like to come in during discovery time on a Friday morning between 11.20-12.30 and run an activity please let me know. Ideas of things you might like to do are sports outside, science experiment, music, art etc. You might like to come in most Fridays or just once. You can talk to me about this next term or email me

I would love to have one parent or grandparent come in every week to do some maths with some children. It would be helping them to count forwards and backwards, saying the number that comes after or before a given number, tens frames, addition and subtraction etc. If you are interested in this please let me know. This would be on either a Monday or Tuesday, 11.20-12.30. 

Your support is very much appreciated and is beneficial to the children's learning. 

Buddy Time

Friday, 12 April 2019 No comments
Today for buddy time some of us watched a movie and some of us made a little easter basket. This was a relaxful end to term one. 

Compliment Circle

Term 2's Value of the Term is kindness. We got a head start on this today. We all put our name into a box and then each pulled out a name. We said one compliment to the person whose name we pulled out. It made us feel good to get a compliment!

Golden Time

We enjoyed golden time today! We liked getting to choose what we wanted to do. Some of us played games, did writing, maths, smart chute, drawing, study ladder or lexia.

Makerspace + Girls Toilets

Today we got a wee peak at the new makerspace and girls toilet. They both look pretty fancy! We loved the lego wall in the makerspace room!

These two rooms will be ready for action Monday of Term 2.


Wednesday, 10 April 2019 No comments
Today for P.E we practised skipping. This was challenging but fun!

Maths Shape Challenge

We have enjoyed trying the new activity in our maths rotation this week! Making things with shapes. We have to look at the picture really carefully and find the correct shapes.

Fair Notice

Sunday, 7 April 2019 No comments
Here is a copy of the notice about our school fair that went home today.

School Disco

Friday, 5 April 2019 No comments
It was great to see so many Room 18 children at the school disco on Friday night. It looked like you had lots of fun!

Japanese Drummer

Thursday, 4 April 2019 No comments
We were very lucky today because we had a Japanese drummer come in and perform to us. He was very good! We learnt that he has been practising for 19 years.

Homework Sharing

Letter of the week was S.

Ziggy's Birthday Treat

Today Ziggy turned 8! Her Dad brought in some yummy cupcakes for us to celebrate. Happy birthday Ziggy!

Small Ball Skills

This week we used the tennis balls for P.E to practice our small ball skills. This was fun!

Maths Link for Parents

Tuesday, 2 April 2019 No comments
Here is a link that has some ideas for how you can raise awareness and share mathematics using everyday experiences and resources found around your home. It includes ideas for supporting your children’s learning in all areas of mathematics: geometry, measurement, statistics, algebra and number.

Hot Cross Bun Forms

Hot Cross Bun forms need to be back at school tomorrow (Wednesday).


Writing of the Day

Monday, 1 April 2019 No comments

Writing of the Day - Fahd
It all started when I was in a rocket and the people accidentally pressed the 'Go to Earth' button. Then do you know who I met at Earth? It was an alien!! I was freaked out. The alien had four arms, three legs, three eyes and a tail like a dragon! 

Special Award - Malachi
I was walking down the street and I saw a weird alien coming out of the door. It was very odd. It had 4 arms. It had 3 eyes. It looked like Santa and it has green skin. The alien is lost from its planet. 

Special Award - Yazan
In the morning I went sky diving from a plane. Then I saw an alien come out of a spaceship. I landed on the alien and the alien got squashed. Then I got up and he looked odd. He had three eyes, three hands and legs. His space ship was weird. I thought his spaceship was a home for him because it had Alien Hall. The spaceship was giant! I was scared!