Discovery Time:
Discovery Time begins for Rooms 16, 17 and 18 in Term 2. If any parents would like to come in during discovery time on a Friday morning between 11.20-12.30 and run an activity please let me know. Ideas of things you might like to do are sports outside, science experiment, music, art etc. You might like to come in most Fridays or just once. You can talk to me about this next term or email me
I would love to have one parent or grandparent come in every week to do some maths with some children. It would be helping them to count forwards and backwards, saying the number that comes after or before a given number, tens frames, addition and subtraction etc. If you are interested in this please let me know. This would be on either a Monday or Tuesday, 11.20-12.30.
Your support is very much appreciated and is beneficial to the children's learning.
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