Rubbish Experiment

Tuesday, 29 October 2019 2 comments
We dug up the rubbish that we buried at the start of last term. We couldn't find the apple core so we think that it has all ready decomposed. The banana skin was black and we think it would have soon broken down. We were sad to see that everything else was the same - this is not good for our environment.

GSNS Eco-Disco

Guest Artist

On Tuesday Artist Jon Thom came to speak to us. He is the artist who painted the girls face on Vogel Street. We learnt that some of his art sells for $2,000! He still has to have another job but enjoys doing art on the side. He is pretty talented!

New Spelling Addition

We are liking using the countdown collectable tiles for spelling practice.

L + mL containers

Wednesday, 23 October 2019 No comments
We are collecting containers/bottles that are measured in L or mL. We would like to have a range of sizes. Please see pictures for some examples.

Many thanks!

Gratitude Turkey's

Look at our awesome gratitude turkeys!

Street Art Walk

Tuesday, 22 October 2019 3 comments
We had a great morning exploring all of the stunning art along Vogel Street and filling in the questions as part of the scavenger hunt.

A huge thank you to the 7 parents and grandparents who came as help today! We couldn't have gone without you.

Mrs Yeoman's CD + Song Book Launch

Happy Birthday Bromley

Today was Bromley's birthday. He is now a big 8 year old.

Thanks for the treats today Bromley!

Bag Experiment

Today we dug up the bags that we buried 2 months ago.

We were surprised to see that the brown bag had broken up into tiny pieces. The eco bag had started to decompose. The plastic bag was exactly the same! This backed up our ideas that 'plastic bags are bad for the environment'!

We are excited to next dig up the rubbish that we buried last term. We wonder what they will look like.

Fairy Bread Fractions

Monday, 14 October 2019 1 comment
Today we made fairy bread. We cut it in half, into quarters and into eighths. At the end we got to eat it - yum! We learnt that you can cut a piece of bread into quarters in many different ways.